Oakville Spousal Support Lawyer

Spousal support, also called maintenance or alimony, is an essential and often emotionally charged topic for couples deciding to end their marriage. While it is not always an option, when one party is the primary money earner, and the other is the homemaker, the court may award payments for a specific amount of time, allowing both of them to live the same or similar standard of living while pursuing education or employment and adjusting to the changes.

Meet with one of the experienced family lawyers at The Riley Divorce & Family Law Firm for questions and more information about your situation. A qualified Oakville spousal support lawyer could help you quickly reach a fair arrangement for both parties without ongoing litigation.

Considerations and Eligibility for Maintenance After Divorce

The family court judges consider various factors specific to the couple’s unique situation to determine eligibility and calculate support payments. Essential consideration components include:

  • Length of the marriage
  • Property and assets each spouse owns
  • The current pay rate and earning potential of each party
  • The age, health, special needs, and life expectancy of each spouse
  • Financial resources and support available to both people from outside sources
  • Need for one individual to receive maintenance and the ability for the other to pay the support
  • Ongoing expenses each will cover, including the cost of caring for children, health insurance, and other joint expenses until they pay the debt in full
  • Circumstances leading up to the decision to end the marriage, such as adultery, abandonment, abuse, mental health issues, and alcohol or drug addiction

Family court judges weigh each factor to help reach an equitable and fair arrangement for both parties while ensuring both can maintain the standard of living they enjoyed while married. A spousal support lawyer in Oakville could help you navigate the process and reach a favorable outcome.

Spousal Support Guidelines

The family law statutes may require either spouse to pay support to compensate the other for sacrifices they made throughout the union while the other earned a living. The payments may also compensate them for the primary and ongoing care of the children the couple shares, if applicable.

Maintenance is not a permanent arrangement. The Government of Canada fact sheet for calculating spousal support seeks to ensure that the spouse collecting payments has the resources to live a similar standard while becoming self-supporting. However, there could be exceptions, including divorces where one person has physical or mental health disabilities.

Terms and Conditions

There are no specific or standard payments for alimony, and it depends on each case’s specifics and circumstances. The orders typically have a date for the court to review each party’s finances and current situation, after which they set a last payment date. They could also change payment amounts or find that the support is no longer necessary. A spousal support lawyer in Oakville ensures clients understand their rights to protect themselves throughout the proceedings.

Call a Seasoned Spousal Support Lawyer in Oakville for More Information

Even in the best circumstances, divorce proceedings are often emotionally draining and costly. Therefore, many people reach out to experienced counsel for help navigating the legal advice process and to ensure they reach a fair and favorable outcome.

The most effective way to defend your rights is to understand them. Contact a hard-working Oakville spousal support lawyer to learn more and schedule an appointment. The Riley Divorce & Family Law Firm offers clients flexibility and 24-hour availability, as well as lawyers with over 35 years of combined experience.

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