Oakville Contested Divorce Lawyer

The decision to pursue a divorce is both emotional and challenging, even when you are resolute that it is the right choice for your family. While some couples may reach agreements about the terms of their separation without needing court intervention beyond final approval, others face complexities that necessitate skilled guidance.

A divorce can quickly become contested when one or more key issues are disputed. Our trusted divorce lawyers are committed to safeguarding your interests during this emotionally charged process. You can count on our team for 24/7 availability to address your inquiries and concerns while providing strategic advice to resolve disputes effectively. Reach out to The Riley Divorce & Family Law Firm to begin working with an Oakville contested divorce lawyer.

Financial Issues in Contested Divorces

Financial disputes are often central to contested divorces. Disagreements may arise regarding the division of marital assets, spousal support obligations, or child support arrangements. Concealment of assets can further complicate matters, leading to heightened conflict.

Division of Property

Full financial transparency is crucial during every stage of the divorce. The equalization of net family property is standard, requiring an assessment of each party’s assets at the time of separation, deducting debts, and, if necessary, equalization payments to ensure a fair property division. If asset concealment is suspected, our contested divorce lawyers can file requests for complete financial disclosures and collaborate with Oakville financial experts to uncover hidden assets.

Spousal and Child Support

Spousal support is not guaranteed; its amount and duration depend on various factors, including the length of the marriage and any existing child support obligations. Both parents are expected to contribute to their children’s financial well-being, typically resulting in one parent paying child support. Determining child support involves assessing the income of the paying party, their capacity to pay, the recipient’s financial situation, and the time each parent spends with the children.

Parenting Time and Decision-Making Responsibility in Contested Divorces

Disputes over parenting time and decision-making responsibility are critical aspects of contested divorces. When couples cannot reach an agreement, the court’s decision will focus on the child’s best interests. Factors such as the child’s emotional and physical needs, age, and preferences may influence the final ruling.

Parenting time and decision-making responsibility can be awarded solely to one parent, jointly, or shared between both. In some instances, a split parenting arrangement may be granted, where siblings reside primarily with different parents. While a contested divorce can prolong the legal process, our Oakville lawyers are dedicated to providing consistent support and advocacy to achieve the best possible outcome.

Having a knowledgeable legal professional by your side is invaluable. Their comprehensive understanding of divorce laws and court procedures ensures your rights are upheld at every stage, whether during negotiations, court appearances, or case preparation.

Get Help From a Contested Divorce Lawyer in Oakville

If you are facing a contested divorce due to your spouse’s resistance to the separation or disagreements about the terms, you deserve a skilled advocate by your side. Our team can implement effective strategies to manage conflict and negotiate critical matters such as decision-making responsibility, parenting time, financial support, and property division with your best interests at heart.

At The Riley Divorce & Family Law Firm, we are dedicated to assisting individuals and families in navigating contested divorce cases and striving for amicable resolutions. Whether in negotiation or courtroom settings, our experienced professionals are committed to protecting your rights and providing steadfast guidance through complex legal challenges.

Contact our office today for a confidential, personalized case consultation with an Oakville contested Divorce Lawyer. Your peace of mind is our priority.

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Now you can have your Consultation with Paul Riley any time from the comfort of your own home. With video calls from Zoom, your Team at The Riley Divorce & Family Law Firm can meet with you virtually, and learn about your case. All you need is a smartphone, tablet, laptop, or desktop with a built-in camera and microphone.

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Paul Riley Law Office